17 November, 2009


Dey Tambi! Lu kalu in Malaysia tarak suka duduk kalu, lu bole balik India la! Malaysia pun bole jadi sikit terang punya!

- Satu gerakan ekstrim Hindu Rights Action Force (HINDRAF) mula bergerak aktif pada penghujung tahun 2007.

- HINDRAF telah membuat beberapa tuntutan yang keterlaluan dan menpunyai niat yang tidak baik apabila melakukan beberapa pembohongan dan cuba memperdaya kaum India. Mereka mendakwa golongan India ditindas dan juga berlaku penghapusan etnik di negara kita.

- HINDRAF membuat aduan mengenai kaum India kepada kerajaan United Kingdom dan juga menghebohkan perkara ini ke antarabangsa. Tindakan mereka jelas menimbulkan keresahan dan men guggat keselamatan negara.

- HINDRAF terlibat secara langsung dengan beberapa protes dan tunjuk-tunjuk perasaan serta demonstrasi jalanan bagi mengugat kestabilan negara.

Apa pandangan tokoh-tokoh perpaduan India dan Cina semasa kita membenarkan mereka bersama-sama berkongsi bumi yang kita pijak ini dahulu:

Ucapan YB Tun V.T. Sambanthan, Presiden MIC merangkap Menteri Kerja Raya dan Telekom di Dewan Rakyat pada 1 Junh 1965 –

Now, in 1955 we won the election with a great majority. Then we obtained freedom in two tears time. During this period, we had to discuss citizenship and various other things. Now, what did the Malays do – since we are speaking on racial lines – what did the Malay leadership do? They had 88% of the electorate still with them. What did they do with citizenship? If we look around in Asia and East Asia, particularly, you will find that my race the Indian race, is not welcome in Ceylon, is not welcome in Burma. Look at my brother Chinese race, it is not welcome in Thailand, in Vietnam, in Cambodia, in all the other areas. What help do they get for citizenship in all these territories? In Burma, as we know, Indians have been send packing, in Ceylon they refused them citizenship and in Burma it is likewise. I know it. And yet in Malaya what happened? Here, we found that the Malay leadership said,” We shall take them unto ourselves as brothers, we shall give them full opportunity to live in this country, we shall give them every opportunity to become citizens”. And so, in 1957, for the whole year, we waived language qualifications, and tens of thousands of Indians, Chinese, Ceylonese and others become citizens.. As I said, it has been my great good fortune to have been born in this country. Where else can you find a more charitable. a more polite, a more decent race than the Malay race? Where else can you get such politically decent treatment for any immigrant race? Where else in the history of the world? I ask you? These are facts. Who are you to safeguard us? I am 10% minority race here, but I am happy here.

Tun Tan Siew Sin, Presiden MCA dalam akhbar tempatan bertajuk “Tun Tan Answers Critics on Special Privileges” dalam ucapan pada 30 April 1969 –

The Malays, through UMNO, were generous enough to relax the citizenship law of this country to such an extent that within 12 months of independence, 90 % of the non-Malay had become citizens whereas before independence 90% were still non-citizens after nearly 100 years of colonial rule in the Malay State. In the return for this major concession, the MCA and the MIC agreed to continue the policy of preserving the special position of the Malays while at the same time upholding the legitimate interests of other communities.

Bangsa Melayu harus bangkit dengan lebih gagah dan berani lagi dan menayakan mereka itu apakah mereka masih ingin tinggal di negara ini lagi? Atau jika mereka merasakan mereka tidak cukup mendapat keadilan di Negara ini serta boleh mendapatkannya ditempat lain, maka kita akan dengan sukacita akan membiarkan mereka pergi!

(Sila klik untuk baca mengenai orang Melayu dalam UMNO dan PAS)

Yang akan terus beranikan hati berjuang walaupun berseorangan ~ bRAVEhEART

1 comment:

  1. Mana pemimpin pemimpin melayu yg berani mengkritik hindraf? semuanya bacul.diam mcm bisu


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